Sammy Clarita is Santa Clarita’s beloved mascot. Originally launched as a temporary character to help celebrate the City’s 30th anniversary; Sammy was so popular that the City’s communication team decided to extend his stay and continue using him to help promote City events, facilities and programs. Sammy began as a small horse stuffed-animal that was used in a social media scavenger hunt campaign, but has evolved into a character with his own videos, comic book strips, a mascot that makes appearances at City events, and even his own series of books.
Sammy Clarita is extremely popular among young students in elementary school, which made him the perfect “neigh-bor” to share the City’s important history. “Sammy Stories: Meet Sammy Clarita” takes a fun and fresh approach at telling the City’s rich western and film history, as well as highlighting some of the City’s great amenities, events and programs.
The book was illustrated by hand, brought into Illustrator for layout and basic coloring, and then finished shading and final coloring in Photoshop before the final layout was completed in InDesign.